2 Tips For Installing Timber Look Porcelain Tiles

Timber Look Porcelain Tiles

As more and more people have grown to love the modern aesthetic that’s associated with beautiful wooden floors, Timber Look Porcelain Tiles have become a very popular flooring option. This is mainly because while wooden tiles have a unique beauty that can rarely be duplicated by anything else (be it marble or travertine or any other trendy flooring material), they are also a tremendous pain to polish, clean, and maintain. However, Timber Look Porcelain Tiles do away with this problem by providing the best of both worlds (the radiant beauty of wooden flooring paired with the easy maintenance of porcelain tiles). Try our LIVING WOOD TIMBER LOOK PORCELAIN TILES if you’re looking for a tile that can provide you with a particularly gorgeous natural wooden appeal. On the other hand, our AMAZON TIMBER LOOK PORCELAIN TILES can provide you with a lighter more minimalistic look that will brighten your rooms with simplistic elegance. To browse through our full catalogue of amazing tile options and find the right one for you, simply click HERE.

However, unlike most of the regular tiling options that you’ll find throughout Sydney, Timber Look Porcelain Tiles can be a little trickier to install. This has mainly to do with their structural build and wooden appeal; if you’d like them to clearly express that natural wooden flooring illusion that they are so widely appreciated for, it’s very important that you install them properly.

Below, we are going to walk you through 2 tips that you should keep in mind when installing Timber Look Porcelain Tiles if you’d like to fit them in properly and generate the best flooring effect possible.

1. Make sure that the ground is leveled before installation

Due to the fact that Timber Look Porcelain Tiles tend to be longer than their normal counterparts, you’ll need to make sure that the ground gets leveled and is perfectly flat before installation. Any bumps on the floor will typically result in more visible imperfections once the tiles have been installed.

2. Reduce grout joints as much as you can

As a general rule of thumb, you should always remember that the less grout joints you see, the better and more realistic your timber tiles will look. Unlike most regular best tiles, Timber Look Porcelain Tiles need to be fitted a lot more seamlessly for them to look appealing. As such, reducing grout joints to a minimum of 3mm from tile to tile is very important if you’d like your flooring to look as good as possible.

At Sydney Tile Gallery, we’d love to help you find the best flooring option for your house, be it a Timber Look Porcelain Tile or any other equally stunning choice. Reach out to us today, and we’ll get started furnishing your floors to perfection.

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